2004 issue 4


Volume 20, issue 4


Trazodone in the treatment of BPSD

Iwona Makowska1, Radosław Magierski1, Iwona Kłoszewska1
1. Klinika Psychiatrii Wieku Podeszłego i Zaburzeń Psychotycznych Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2004, 4, 485-494
Keywords: trazodone, BPSD, dementia


Psychiatric symptoms and behavioral disturbances are common in patients with dementia. Agitated or aggressive behaviors occur in approximately 30% to 60% of patients with dementia and are a major source of mortality, particularly in nursing homes. Such behaviors often reflect patient distress and can contribute to physical injury, caregiver distress, need for institutionalization, and healthcare costs. Preventing and treating agitated behavior in patients with dementia are critical clinical goals. However, the choice of medication in clinical practice continues to be directed largely by local pharmacotherapy culture rather than empirical treatment guidelines. We’re still looking for an effective and safe drug. One of the investigated drugs is trazodone. Several studies have reported its anti-agitation efficacy. It has been associated with improvements in agitation, aggression, irritability, anxiety, affective disturbance and sleep problems among patients with dementia and was also well tolerated.