1998 issue 4


Volume 14, issue 4


Zwierzęce modele lęku – działanie anksjolityczne reprezentatywnych leków psychotropowych

Elżbieta Nowakowska1, Alfons Chodera1, Krzysztof Kus1
1. Katedra Farmakologii Akademii Medycznej w Poznaniu
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1998, 4, 65-70


The comparison of anxiety models used in animals to clinical syndromes of anxiety and stress is difficult, because the evaluation of emotional states of animals is subjective and prone to differing interactions.
The experimental models of anxiety can be divided depending on the method used into Punishment Induced Suppression Tests and Novelty Induced Inhibition. The Two Compartment Exploratory Test of Crawley has proved to be a very sensitive test for drugs with different action mechanisms and confirmed usefulness in human anxiety diseases.